Wednesday 31 January 2024

Embroidery uniforms


Embroidering uniforms is a common and professional way to add logos, names, or other designs to clothing, especially in fields like sports, corporate, hospitality, and various organizations. Here's a general guide on how embroidery on uniforms is typically done:

1. Design:

  • Create or choose a design that you want to embroider on the uniforms. Ensure the design is suitable for embroidery and can be scaled appropriately for the garment.

2. Digitization:

  • Convert the design into a digital format suitable for embroidery machines. This process is called digitization, where the design is translated into a series of stitches that the embroidery machine will follow.

3. Material and Thread Selection:

  • Choose the appropriate thread color and material that matches the uniform and is durable. Different threads and materials may be suitable for different fabrics.

4. Hooping:

  • Place the uniform on a hoop that fits the embroidery machine. Hooping ensures that the fabric is stretched tight and remains in place during the embroidery process.

5. Machine Setup:

  • Set up the embroidery machine with the correct thread color and ensure the digitized design is loaded into the machine. Adjust settings such as stitch density and speed based on the material of the uniform.

6. Test Run:

  • Before starting the actual embroidery, perform a test run on a similar piece of fabric to ensure the design aligns correctly, and there are no issues with thread tension or placement.

7. Embroidery:

  • Once everything is set up and tested, begin the actual embroidery process. The machine will follow the digitized design, stitching the pattern onto the uniform.

8. Quality Control:

  • After embroidery is complete, inspect the finished product for any defects or errors. Trim excess threads and ensure the design meets quality standards.

9. Post-Processing:

  • Some embroidered uniforms may require post-processing steps, such as heat pressing, to set the stitches and improve durability.

10. Packaging:

  • Finally, neatly fold or package the embroidered uniforms for delivery or distribution.

It's important to note that the specific steps and requirements may vary based on the type of embroidery machine, the complexity of the design, and the material of the uniforms. If you are not familiar with the process, it's advisable to consult with a professional embroidery service or technician.


Please email a copy of your logo to and we will prepare your logo for embroidery. We will also hand pick the cotton colour to best match your logo.

Our policy is we will not start embroidery until we get your full approval. We will provide you with two samples, the first being a digitized visual for your first approval. The second a photo of a stitched out sample for your final approval prior to garment embroidery.

Pricing: Up to 10,000 Stitches

Over 10,000 Stitches Price TBA

Logo Set up $55.00 flat fee
1- 10 embroideries $10.00 each
11-20 embroideries $7.70 each
21-50 embroideries/or Single Name $6.60 each
51-100 embroideries $5.50 each
Lines of Text $10.00 each or $15.00 for two or more lines

If you already have garments you would like us to embroider you’re more than welcome to bring them down to the store freshly laundered.

If you already have a logo that has previously been set up for embroidery, you may supply us with either a DST or EMB file format.



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